paper artist of the week: matt shlian
beautiful folded and cut paper sculptures by matt shlian.
as a paper engineer my work is rooted in print media, book arts and commercial design. beginning with an initial fold, a single action causes a transfer of energy to subsequent folds, which ultimately manifest in drawings and three dimensional forms. i use my engineering skills to create kinetic sculpture which have lead to collaborations with scientists at the university of michigan. we work on the nanoscale, translating paper structures to micro origami. our investigations extend to visualizing cellular division and solar cell development. researchers see paper engineering as a metaphor for scientific principals; i see their inquiry as basis for artistic inspiration.

as a paper engineer my work is rooted in print media, book arts and commercial design. beginning with an initial fold, a single action causes a transfer of energy to subsequent folds, which ultimately manifest in drawings and three dimensional forms. i use my engineering skills to create kinetic sculpture which have lead to collaborations with scientists at the university of michigan. we work on the nanoscale, translating paper structures to micro origami. our investigations extend to visualizing cellular division and solar cell development. researchers see paper engineering as a metaphor for scientific principals; i see their inquiry as basis for artistic inspiration.
