
Showing posts with the label paper art

paper art | paper installation

transplanted ripped + stacked tarpaper by tara donovan

paper artist: chris natrop

white white mayday by chris natrop .

paper artist: arjowiggins

the creative team of paper manufacturer arjowiggins , together with trend forecaster li edelkoort and fashion photographer gregoire alexandre , created this amazing set to launch a campaign emphasizing the creative possibilities of the company's new paper range, curious collection . {via d*s }

paper artist: heather moore

lovely cut paper illustrations by heather moore ( skinnylaminx ) + website/blog . shop . images .

paper artist: richard sweeney

richard sweeney { revisited } stunning newer works

paper artist: stephen eichhorn

beautiful handcut collages by stephen eichhorn these are from the wood grain series

paper artist: marie christodulaki

beautiful paper installations by marie christodulaki i also really like her crocheted jewelry...

paper artist of the week: simon schubert

german sculptor simon schubert creates amazing works of art through a complex process of paper folds. currently showing at upstairs berlin through june 27. {via today and tomorrow }

paper artist of the week: caleb beyers

paperopolis by caleb beyers . incredible papercraft city designed, built and burned for a music video. + making of the video here . more amazing projects by caleb here .

daily paper fix: invisible cities

i love this piece by helen friel , based on a city described in italo calvino's book 'invisible cities' in which the inhabitants stretch strings between buildings to mark each new relationship. why can't we do this? it would be so pretty, no? {via design*sponge ~ thanks jackie for the link!}

paper artist of the week: val britton

incredible, beautiful cut-paper collage drawings by val britton . i make immersive collaged drawings that draw on the language of maps. the impetus for this body of work was my longing to connect to my father, a truck driver who drove eighteen-wheelers across the country hauling industrial machinery. he died over ten years ago. based on road maps of the u.s., routes my father often traveled, and an invented conglomeration, mutation, and fragmentation of those passageways, my works on paper help me piece together the past and make up the parts i cannot know.